Monday 31 December 2012

You know
Crazy time + Crazy Friends = The memory that you will never forget.  31st night is one of the most memorable moment for me. We had a blasting party at one of my friend's house and did lots of dancing  singing, eating and dancing, singing eating and waiting for the clock to tick 12. And as soon as the clock ticked 12, we welcomed the New Year, 2013 with a blast and a scream. We all cut the cake and ate it like hungry dogs :). But this was not it. My  friend  
Himanshu took the car and we roamed the whole area shouting and singing happy new year. Wow it was a great night. And now looking forward to 2013.

May God bless you all with health, wealth, girls, peace, joy and many more. Just make a positive resolution for this year and be honest and sincere with it.
Bye take care and Enjoy.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Exam learning

                                           Exams Days

As we all are familiar with the exams and all sorts of trouble related to it. So m also going through a similar situation now-a-days and i know how hard it is to prepare for an exam which is very boring. But then i thought "what is it that i find boring in one subject and interesting in other one" and that the subject i find interesting is really easy for me as compared to the boring and frustrating subjects. Sometimes we learn the whole chapter in no time. No time here is just used as a metaphor  so don't take it on heart :). OK coming back to our topic, and sometimes it takes the whole day to just complete a paragraph. I don't know about you guys but it sure happens to me all the time. I was literally fed up of this thing because this thing stops me from scoring good in the exams. Then one day i sat down and started reading about how our mind works in remembering and understanding something and why something comes easily to us and the other things takes a l ot of time. There were numerous results for this search but the thing that related the best to me was good to know and it really helped me. Ok now i am going to share the information i found out. I really thing that this thing will help you in learning things fast and help you to concentrate for longer period of time without getting bored.

1.When we are trying to learn something, our brain makes connections to things we already know or stuff that is meaningful to us, which might be why we learn things that we’re really interested in much quicker than something we find boring. Even if a mathematical equation or a topic we need to learn seems totally annoying – we can create our own meaning for it that makes it more memorable.
for example i still remember a phrase that i learned in school " Pale Beta Pale Hare Hare Bare". There is a reason that why i still remember this phrase because it was fun remembering it that way. This phrase has nothing to with the actual content but it sure helps me to remember that useful information that i need. 

2.Memory and concentration can be affected by your mood and how you are physically feeling, but this isn't just about making sure you are comfortable when you go into the exam (like not being too cold, or needing to go to the bathroom etc). For example, if you learn something while you are feeling excited then chances are you’ll find it easier to recall the info when you are feeling excited again rather than grumpy- In my advice take 10-15 min in doing something which makes you feel good, confident and relax before studying. I Prefer listening to songs which enlighten my mood and makes me feel good. I study while listening to the songs. Well, some prefer silent atmosphere but i prefer beats blowing in my ears while i read. 

3.Past exam papers are widely available for most topics, and whilst I certainly found doing a few of them under timed conditions helped me, there is another way that these can be an important part of your preparation. It does nothing, there are chance that nothing will come from the questions you have solved but solving the previous year question paper gives your mind a satisfaction that Yes you are ready to face the exam. This confidence further helps you in learning things fast. 

4. Well, this last point i din't found from the google or some books but its my own personal experiance – don’t indulge the feelings of stress! This might sound impossible or just ridiculous, but if we focus on the stress and bad stuff then it’s like a broken record. Every time you find yourself worrying about your exams, choose to think about something else instead. Try to think about kissing your girl friend after exam and the stuffs like that. Or watch 3 Idiots. By watching 3 idiots m sure u will score a ton :) 
All the best for your exams guys and now m also going to follow what i just wrote above :D
Tata and keep reading :)


Wednesday 26 December 2012

First Blog without Experiance :)

   My First Blog 


Hello!!! My name is Varun Shrivastava and this is my first blog ever. I felt like writing about it because i am very lazy and i thought this would be a better idea to keep myself involve in doing something which is merely not just a waste of time. Well, now i will brief you all about myself, well m pursuing my engineering currently. As u all know engineers are lazy and exciting both at the same time, and don't have time for anything so i would like to tell you that u have heard the truth :). Apart from engineering i represent my state in cricket which is my passion. And it gives me immense pleasur, not that kind of pleasure ;) but yeah this is something i like to do all day. 

Okay so now i have decided that i will do blog writing in my free time... so guys please tell me that what is it that u all like to read about, which is it that u love the most. Because i want to write something for the people... by reading which they can enjoy a little. So please tell me ur field of interest and i will be upto it. YO!!!

Tuesday 10 January 2012


Beauty And The Beast
You always know what the story is.
Beautiful girls with ugly guys
What do they take us for anyway?

Beauty And The Beast
As they walk down the street arm in arm, I see them and once again feel the need to ask
myself the question.  How is it possible that a guy and a girl so dissimilar in physical appearance, there being such a
disparity in how attractive each is, be nonetheless in what would appear to be some sort of relationship? How do we explain this?

I must confess to you, my readers, that I have been
a little less than honest in pretending I had no answers
to my previous questions. You see, I lost someone
very dear to me, someone very beautiful, to someone
much like him. 

That is why i say BEAUTY AND THE BEAST.

Beauty and the BEAST.